New Learning

January 10, 2011

WordClouds the next generation

Filed under: Learning Technologies,Uncategorized — kevhickeyuk @ 1:21 pm

For a long time I have been impressed with Wordle .  This is a site where you can add a bunch of text and it will create a wordcloud.  A wordcloud is an image that contains the words you have added, the more times a word appears the larger the word appears in the cloud.  So for example the word cloud below is made up of Barack Obamas inauguration speech.  The words ‘Nation’, ‘America’ and ”People’ are large, which means there were repeated many times.  Wordle is very easy to use and gins you options such as changing the colour scheme and removing specified words.

barack obama's inauguration speech as a wordcloud by wordle









I have just discovered an alternative to Wordle called .  The big advantage this seems to have over Wordle, is that  you can get the words to  appear in a specific shape.  So here is Jules Verne’s 20, 000 leagues under the sea as a Seahorse

Tagxedo word cloud

Again,  the more times a word appears in the text the larger it appears in the word cloud.  There are dozens on templates you can choose from or you can upload your own silhouette image.  I have embedded this as a standard image, but from the website you can  downlaod as a range of image types or get the code to embed as an interactive image. Is a similar site with less predefined templates but it allows you to create interactive word clouds where you can click on am image to search that word in Google.

Braille and the iPhone

Filed under: Inclusion — kevhickeyuk @ 10:18 am

Another video about the accessibility features of an iPhone, this time looking at how it works with a Braille display.

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