New Learning

September 17, 2008

Alt-C, AccessApps and EscapePod

Filed under: Uncategorized — kevhickeyuk @ 9:43 am

Last week I was at the Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C) in Leeds.

There was some useful stuff:

There was also some ideas that I don’t think have been developed enough to be useful products yet, but are still interesting:

Moving away from ALT-C, Techdis and RSC Scotland (South West and North East) have been working on collating a number of open source applications which can be stored on a 2Gb USB stick.  Click here for more details, there’s even an advert:

Last week was the first  official week of my OU course.  So far I seem to be putting in alot more than the recomnded 15 hours a week just to keep up, but hopefully that will calm down as I get used to it.

Finally a quick mention to Escapepod, this site produces a high quality weekly podcast of SciFi stories.  They last about 30-40 mins and i’ve really enjoyed listening to them on the drive to work.

September 5, 2008

Choosing an eportfolio and Gremlins

Filed under: Uncategorized — kevhickeyuk @ 1:36 pm

One of my “summer jobs” was to produce an emagazine supplement on choosing an ePortfolio. This is basically a mini site which looks at different interpretations of what an ePortfolio is and what questions you need to ask when choosing one. It was also a good excuse to create a cartoon using and embed a flickr image, including notes, using Mbedr.

It has now been published and can be viewed here and if you like it and you’d like to add it to a website or VLE, you can download a zipped version here.

This week I started my Open University course. I wish I could say its going without a hitch, but there are teething problems. The first action I had to complete was access a blog page which had supposedly been set up for me. It hadn’t. My second task was to update a Wiki. Unfortunately I was using Chrome, the new browser from Google, and there were problems. James Clay has blogged about the reasons for this here better than I could.

It’s really made me appreciate how one or two small problems can really knock the confidence of a learner, particularly if they happen at the beginning of a course.

On the plus side, my tutor and fellow students seem to be a helpful and interesting group, and the forums are filling up nicely. Let’s hope there are no more gremlins.

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